Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Primo Helper

Love that my daughter/helper came to work with me today. Heather has been helping since she was in 7th grade, my first year of teaching. Sixteen years later and she's still my primo helper. Although, there have been years she wasn't so willing, especially the year she got burned-out on tearing out, folding, and stapling a million little books. I have learned not to give all my grunt work to a willing helper but rather to mix it up with a fun project or two.

Today, we stopped at SAS on our way to the school. SAS is one of our favorite places to browse. It is a funky fabric store that has tons of discount fabrics and notions. I decided not to use bulletin board paper for this project. In my Brag Tag post, I noted that I was going to use black paper. But instead, I found a rich midnight blue fabric with matching shiny dots. It is really going to make those stars pop! 

When we got to school, we took a few minutes to put all the student desks in their spots. Then, I asked Heather to work on the Brag Tag board.  I shared my design vision, she added her own artistic insight, and I set her loose. We worked for a couple of hours on our projects and when it was time to go she looked up and said, "Today was really fun. It's been so long since I've crafted."  

Yeah, success! Heather had fun, I got some work done and the Brag Tag board is looking great. I just need to buy a trim and number my push pins (tonight's homework).

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