It's 4 in the morning and I can't sleep! Arg! I tried emptying my mind, deep, slow breathing, and relaxing with my lavender/flax seed mask on my eyes (that usually does the trick.) It was all very relaxing - but no dice. I might as well update the blog.
Okay, my cup of Don Francisco's decaf (I still have hopes of more sleep) Vanilla Nut coffee is ready. Hold on - ah, that's better. Love this coffee. Wish you could smell it.
Well, it's been a good prepping week, but no-o, I am not ready. When I left last night, my room looked like an explosion area. Colored paper here - border strips there - stacks of freshly copied worksheets here and there. And I've been so good! There are still workbooks to be numbered, homework - unfinished work - and spelling folders to be labeled and compiled. Oh, my! It's a good thing we still have a prep afternoon to go ( the morning usually gets sucked up with an update meeting).
I did get my Concept/Question board ready for the Friendship unit. My Vocabulary section is ready to put together, but I ran out of ribbon. I'm using it to divide the words into parts of speech. A trip to Michael's is on today's checklist. I've almost finished a Writing Checklist for my Writing board - just need to laminate and attach the label. It will all be easy to assemble on Monday after the meeting. Oh, yes I want to create a Step-Up-to-Writing model for the board to use on Tuesday. I will post photos on Monday. Positive thinking is good. Yes?
Happily, I had a meetup at the Tin Roof Bistro for appetizers and bocce ball with friends at the end of my day. A perfect end to the week!
Ciao, 'til Monday.
Oh, no. I just remembered - I need a trip to the teacher store to exchange the name strips. The ones I bought have the wrong Q in the cursive alphabet . Think I better log off and start my To Do This Weekend list.
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