Sunday, October 14, 2012

An Array of Students

Two days ago, we started our new chapter on multiplication. Naturally, I had scanned Pinterest for ideas and graphic organizers to get me started. And naturally, I found just what I needed. The lesson went off without a hitch. We discussed the needed vocabulary; multiply, factors, products and arrays. We made charts of groups, arrays, multiplication sentences, related addition, etc. All went swimmingly and they seemed to get it. Yeah!

Yesterday, the math lesson focused on making and using arrays. An array in when objects have been organised into columns and rows (I must confess I'd never heard of an array - although I've been using them all my life -so have you.) Anyway, I digress.

The day started with Language Arts and it was the last day of unit. The kids (yes, sometimes I call them kids - students is too bookie and kiddos - well, is a little over done) needed to be put in groups to  share their thoughts on their favorite stories in the unit. Lightbulb! Ding, ding, ding! Groups - multiplication - 1 guy is absent that means 28 students to group - yes I'm saying EQUAL groups!! Can't pass up this teachable moment, can I?

So, I asked them, "How can we get all 28 of you into a group and have equal groups?" Their little lightbulbs went on ding, ding, ding! I wrote the #28 on the board. A volunteer suggested, "We could have 14 kids in 2 groups." YES. I wrote 2 x 14 = 28 on the board, then drew 2 groups each with 14 dots and asked," Hm-m. How does that look? Would those be good working groups?" A couple of yeses but louder no's. The no's explained there'd be too many in a group! (I was having so much fun.)
Volunteers went on to explain how to make those 2 groups smaller until we ended up at our desired 4 groups of 7. We made all those connections on the board. They moved into groups and book talks. Yeah!

NOW, here's the connection. When math time started, I reminded them of the morning's grouping activity and suggested that we could make a student array, using our morning groups. There was a general mummer of excitement and approval. So, I told them to return to their grouping positions quietly, (the quietly was a little difficult but they tried - such excitement.) Once in their groups, I began lining up one group into our biggest floor space ( you'll see, it was tight.) When the kids saw what I was doing, they lined themselves up and waited to be called. We got our 4 lines of 7 students each lined up - 28 smiles, I love it! Then, I brought out the camera to capture the moment. That created more excitement and was a little challenging; they all wanted to be seen and kept moving out of line. Not looking like columns! I sent a couple of tall ones to the back, but had to explain that the important thing was to see clear columns in our photo (to line everyone up by height would be just too time consuming.) They got with the program, we got our photo!

Monday, we'll follow-up by making the related multiplication and repeated addition sentences for our photograph. Then fill in the graph for 4 x 7 (see graph below.)   Good Day.

multiplication chart  When I uploaded this to Google Docs something got lost in translation. But it will give you the idea.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Well, life has been a whirlwind! I'm so glad I started this blog over the summer 'cause it would never have been started in the fall. I knew switching to a new grade would be challenging, but I didn't realize what a huge leap it would be from 1st grade. On the surface, most of the elements are the same. But they are certainly not taught at the same depth. I've had to reactivate knowledge that has been sitting dormant in my brain for a very long time- and I'm loving it!

There have been days where I've feel inadequate - where things just aren't clicking fast enough and the curriculum is going at break-neck speed. At the end of the day, I sit down and say, "What happened?" But then, it all started to fall in place,"Whew." I'm glad I've reached the "Whew."

I knew I had reached that day when I looked out over the room, and each and every one was silent - focused - and completely into their activity. They were so intent. Not the intent of  "If I don't get this done I'm failing." But rather the intent of interest and joy of learning. And my brain said, "I love this moment."To be able to stand there and think that thought in a busy day is a great feeling. I was so moved, I had to write it on the board. I didn't want to forget that moment. And I wanted to make sure that I remembered to share just how proud I was of them.